Translucent and Opaque

QUIZ your kids!

1. Ask your students to DESCRIBE with words the difference between Magna-Tiles Clear Colors and Magna-Tiles Solid Colors.

2. What does it mean if something is translucent? opaque?

3. Can you come up with your own definition for each adjective? Do you know any synonyms for the words translucent and opaque?

4. Look around you!… can you find objects in the room that are translucent? opaque?

Can you see who and WHAT is hiding behind the Magna-Tiles below?

Clear Colors are translucent

The word translucent is an adjective and is defined as allowing light, but not detailed images, to pass through; semitransparent.

Solid Colors are opaque

The word opaque as an adjective means not able to be seen through.

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