Magna-Tiles Ideas and Starter Tips!

Magna-Tiles are an open-ended, educational toy! Children will impress you with their imaginations and innovative ways that they come up with to play with Magna-Tiles. Here are some fun ideas to get you started… please feel free to share YOUR ideas and fun ways to play and LEARN with #magnatiles!

Build on a cookie sheet for a stable surface and added support for fragile structures!

Build Magna-Tiles Clear Colors near a window or on a light table… the light shining through makes the Magna-Tiles look like stained glass!

Magna-Tiles on the fridge!

Put a flashlight, glowsticks, or mini LED lights inside Magna-Tiles Clear Colors!

Magna-Tiles on a magnetic, dry erase board! You can write/draw math equations, words, drawings…

Build a marble runrace track, or maze!

Make up a new game with Magna-Tiles! Play memory or challenge a partner to recreate your designs!

Make Magna-Tiles art!

Take a picture of your creations and write a story about it!

Challenge your Children to build their favorite Magna-Tiles Animal!